Blog Archive

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Maker Faire

Chris and I have been fans of Make and Craft magazines for many years.  Every year they hold a huge DIY extravaganza in the SF Bay area, so Chris and I were so excited to finally attend:

Maker Faire

It was so much fun to be in the midst of so much creativity and zaniness!  We saw all sorts of things including:

Hundreds of bubbles

Godzilla attacking wool trees and houses made of vintage book covers

Holistic hula hooping

Skater boy catching a ride on the train

Step by step instructions - from idea to functional prototype!

A screenshot of the Google Sketchup concept rendering software...

...and the physical result!

A Google Android running around

Chris made some new friends

I learned a new word: Steampunk

PAS: Potentially Annoying Sound = welcome to my life living with Chris!!!

For all the designers in my life

Christopher's FAVORITE find of the day!!

Pinball Wizard!

A view of Chris from outside

A pinball machine with its innards exposed - very interesting to watch!

In the Craftzine area!

Crazy hat!

Makers of Max/MSP/Jitter, Chris's favorite software!   Their main office is in San Francisco!

Electric cupcake scooters!

This kid was zooming around in a giant cupcake!

Musical Tesla Coils!

Flame producing sculptures by the Flaming Lotus Girls, a collective of artists based in San Francisco!

People could sit in the belly and pedal to make the wings flap.

The parents pedaled and the kids enjoyed the ride.

Crazy Musical Tesla Coils!!

They played a pitch perfect rendition of AC/DC's "Back in Black"

Chris and his collaborator Eli sharing their work at the CCRMA booth

Christopher's Sound Flinger in action!  Next stop for his invention:  OSLO, NORWAY!

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