Blog Archive

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Moving to Portland, Oregon!

We've been in Portland now for a few weeks and are finally starting to feel settled. Here are a few photos from the move and our new home!

Ready to go! We had an awesome moving company this time around!

The cars were packed to the gills!

Full circle! Last meal in the apartment was very similar to our first. Thanks to JuneAn for the cooler full of treats, which sustained us all of the way to Portland!

Grad school: complete! (former home office)

First photo in Portland - putting together our new couch from Ikea.

Our dining area and living room before our furniture arrived.

The new kitchen

Moving day!!!

21st century Oregon Trail packing paper.

...speaking of packing paper...

Our new friend, Max. He sits on the back porch every day and keeps Mae company.

He's pretty darn cute.

New kitchen, post unpacking!

Max sleeping on the back porch on a beautiful fall day!

New office area.

The den/TV room/guest bedroom.

Living room and dining area

Living room

All settled in!

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