Blog Archive

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 3: Des Moines, Iowa to Aurora, Colorado

On our second longest day of the trip, we made the journey from Iowa to Colorado through Nebraska.  It took us approximately 11 hours, and by the time we arrived in Aurora, we were ready for a rest.  We were greeted at our destination with a double rainbow, which was a wonderful end to a long day of driving through cornfields and flatness! Chris took lots of pictures:
Hay there!

A rare stretch of straight/flat road in Nebraska...

Settlers heading west!

Nebraska looks like this...on repeat.

Pet exercise area..

One of many disgusting/overcrowded cattle farms we saw along the road. 

Sunflowers along the road in Colorado

More sunflowers

Fortunately we also saw some grass fed cattle

Gas station in Colorado

The caravan, taking a rest

Colorado plains

We passed two storms on our way into Aurora.  Neither of them hit us.   
The Rocky Mountains appeared gracefully in the distance

Clouds (taste metallic?)

What does it mean?????

Dinner time at Uno's.

Sunglass Hut Advert...

Post-dinner action shot!

More photos to come tomorrow.  Currently we're driving through Colorado and Utah, and it is majestic to say the least!

1 comment:

  1. why do i get the feeling chris had a lot to do with the captions in this post? see you guys soon!
