Blog Archive

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Traveling Mercies

Welcome to the first post of the Carlson family blog, "Traveling Mercies!"   With it being the morning-of-the-eve-of-the-eve of our first cross country driving adventure from DC to Californ-aye-ey,  it feels like the best time to kick start this page.  On second thought, perhaps the "eve of our adventure" would have been slightly more poetic, harm in being proactive, right?   

So you're probably wondering, "Traveling Mercies?  Huh?" 

Stuff Christians Like provides a pretty simple explanation of the phrase: 
The first time my brother prayed for “traveling mercies” I thought he was praying for a band. Honestly, it sounds like a side project Dave Matthews and that insanely muscular violin player are involved in. “Tonight, opening up for Widespread Panic, it’s the Traveling Mercies!” Apparently though, traveling mercies are not a hemp-loving band but rather a prayer request to have a good trip. A safe trip, a happy trip, a fun trip etc. 

In short, we will use this blog as a place to share stories and archive exciting bits of our adventures in the coming years.   Keep checking back for updates from the road, and, eventually, pictures and stories from our new life in Menlo Park, CA!

1 comment:

  1. i feel the pressure for some excitement. ben tells me its 15 hours till the adventure begins on this end. see you soon!
