Blog Archive

Thursday, August 12, 2010

 Hi family and friends!  We are well on our way across the country.  I just wanted to take a second this morning to put up some packing and moving pictures.  We'll put up some of our traveling pictures later today.

Now that my desktop computer is in a box, Chris has been gracious enough to allow me to use his brand new Mac.  I've been very careful with it!

This was Christopher's amazing packing job of his delicate instruments and records that we didn't want to send in the moving truck.  I couldn't believe that he fit it all in the back of the CRV!

On moving day they put a red carpet through our apartment; we felt very special!

We filled that truck!  When the guy went to shut the door, it wouldn't close because my bike handle was in the way.  They shifted things a bit and made it work.

Our reflection in our apartment door right after we watched our things drive away.

Cleaning up our empty apartment.

Whew!  We did it!

Road trip pictures will be coming soon!

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