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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 1: Reston, VA to Wheaton, Il!

The first day of our journey was our longest.  We figured we'd get a big chunk of the driving out of the way while we were still fresh.  Plus, we had good friends waiting to greet us in Chicago, so that gave us something to look forward to!  Thankfully, we didn't hit any traffic or backups on the road. 

This is a card that my mom gave us right before we left.

We have two cars and four drivers (my younger sisters, Anna and Glynis are joining us for the trip!)  Here's my sister, Anna taking a turn at the wheel.

Christopher's turn to drive.

Riding in the CRV with my sisters in the Civic behind us.  It's the Carlson/Curtis/Condon caravan!

Getting closer!!

When we got to Wheaton (my hometown), we were graciously hosted by my Godparents.  My Godfather, Brad is an EXCELLENT chef, so we made sure we got there in time for dinner!  We had a lovely evening visiting, eating and resting.  Here are a few photos from breakfast/lunch the next day.

Uncle Brad playing with Glynis' new iPad

Next stop- Des Moines, Iowa!

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