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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas in VA 2011!

This year the Condon family reunited at Jorie and Steve's new place in Richmond for a few fun and food filled days around Christmas. Here are some photos from our visit!

Preparing for a delicious series of homemade pizzas on Christmas Adam!

Relaxing after a long drive and a busy semester!

Getting ready for Christmas Eve! 

Sisters getting ready for dinner.  The men were watching Die Hard downstairs.

Post Die Hard practicing in Jorie and Steve's living room.

Jorie did such a wonderful job of creating a festive and welcoming atmosphere!

We had dinner at Can Can Brasserie in Carrytown.

Anna and Ben gave everybody fun Christmas jammies!

This one's going on the mantle.

Christmas morning.

Again, amazing decorating job by Jorie!

Jorie and Steve's beautiful home.

Glynis stood for 45 minutes stirring the Gorgonzola sauce!  It was worth every second!

Buttering the main course!

Enjoying family and friends.

Jorie's elegant table setting. 



Feast time!



Jorie and Steve's friends, Jamie and Annie, joined us for the evening!

Anna made fun photo props.

Pretty much sums it all up!

Thanks again to Jorie and Steve for being such wonderful hosts!

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