Blog Archive

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Stay-cation" Part 1!

Before leaving for Portland, we have been checking off things that we've wanted to do around the Bay Area. Here are a couple photos from our first three outings.

At the Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto

At the Computer History Museum in Mountain View (highly recommended!)

Posing with an 80s dude who appears to be equally in awe of Max Mathews, the "father of computer music."

Look how excited Mae is about the UNIVAC computer!  Mae loves computers!!!

Nerd alert.

An original PONG machine!  This one is for Mom and Dad who used to play pong together when they were young folks like us!  Gee, Ma, you played video games too?

Outside Memorial Church on Stanford's campus. We took a docent-led tour.

Glass mosaic - most of this came down in the 1906 earthquake, but it was completely restored!

Each class has a time capsule buried under a tile around the main quad.

Soaking in Stanford while I still can.

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