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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Graduation Weekend!!!

Now that the excitement has died down from graduation weekend, here are a few photos from the celebrations! CCRMA had a barbecue on Saturday afternoon and the full school and Music department graduation ceremonies were on Sunday morning. 

This one's for Linnie

CCRMA BBQ getting started

My classmate, Jiffer

Giving Mae some of that CCRMA sass... 






Stretching out before graduation on Sunday morning.

Still a Master's student.

The full school ceremony was held in Stanford's football stadium. Mae took some photos from the stands.

Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ and Stanford alum, gave the address

I'm sitting with my classmates in the middle of the group shown here.

I brought our tiny Canon camera along to take pictures of my classmates. We walked down to the stadium from CCRMA (pictured in the background)
Getting ready to process!

Entering the stadium!


Mae, Holly, John, and Hope were in the upper section under the "D" in Stanford

Waiting for the Music department ceremony to start


Showing off our diplomas.  We had the option of receiving our real diploma at the ceremony or having it mailed to us.

We did it!

With my professors, Jonathan Abel and Dave Berners, and my classmate, Ravi

Photo-bomb by John (see the upper left...)

With my advisor, Julius Smith

Mae wearing the "stole of gratitude." Students buy this stole to give to someone
who has made a big contribution to their academic career.

Made it!

Giving a hug to CCRMA

Check out the wings!


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