Blog Archive

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Better Late than Never...

It feels like ages ago, but here are some photos from our Thanksgiving celebration.

Our feast!

Digging in!

The finished pies.

Kevin with his fabulous camera.

We had such a nice time with Christopher's sister and our friends, Kevin and Leslie.  We are so grateful to have family and close friends in the area.

Well, now we have moved on to Advent.  Christopher finished up his first quarter last week (with a few all nighters there at the end, but he made it!).  We were able to squeeze a quick trip to a Christmas tree farm in before he left to visit his family in Pennsylvania.  We picked and chopped down our tree out in the dark, so we were pleased that it turned out to be fairly decent.  It's been keeping me company while Chris is away.

Setting up the tree.  Notice the "end of finals" scruff on Christopher's face.

Putting the lights on the tree.

Christopher returns to California on Monday and we are looking forward to having a little time off together.  We are hoping to do some exploring in the area in the next few weeks, so I'm sure we'll have more photos to share!

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